How do I configure my Luna buttons?

LIFX Luna buttons can be configured to control other Matter enabled devices.

You'll need to make sure you Luna is running Firmware 4.100 or later. You can check this in the Light Settings.

Open the control screen for your Luna. And click on the ••• icon.

Click Light Settings from the Light Options pop up.

Confirm your Luna is running Firmware 4.100 or later. If not, press the Update Firmware button.

Once updated, return to Light Settings and click Buttons Setup.

You will see the default Button Settings for you Luna.

Button 1 FX Button 

  • Single Press: Cycle through FX on the Luna

Button 2 Decrease Button

  • Single Press: Decrease the brightness on the Luna

Button 3 Increase Button

  • Single Press: Increase the brightness on the Luna

Button 4 Toggle Button

  • Single Press: Turn on/off the Luna
  • Long Press: Fade on/off with a sunrise or sunset effect

Each button has 3 configurable gesture types;

Single Press

Single Press: This is a quick tap of a Switch button with your finger. It is a very short press. It looks like this: 

Double Press

Double Press: This is a quick 'tap tap' of the Switch button with your finger.

Long Press

Long Press: This is when you press your finger on the Switch button and hold it there for a second or two. This gesture is known as 'Press and hold' when used on touch screens.

To configure a button gesture, click on the button gesture you wish to configure. E.g. Button 1 - Double Press.

There are four Action Types available:

Luna Actions 

These are actions that run directly on the Luna lamp only. No app, internet, cloud or Matter hub required. Actions include:

  • Toggle on/off
  • Increase brightness
  • Decrease brightness
  • Cycle FX
  • Stop FX
  • Sunrise/Sunset

Matter Actions

These are actions that run locally via the Matter protocol and allow you to control other Matter enabled LIFX Devices. Because these run locally via Matter the response time is faster than Cloud actions. We recommend using Matter Actions if all your LIFX lights are Matter enabled. Note: If you do not see the Matter Actions option in the App, your Luna is not currently Matter paired. Actions include:

  • Toggle on/off
  • Increase brightness
  • Decrease brightness
  • Increase CCT (Warmer white)
  • Decrease CCT (Cooler white)

Cloud Actions

These are actions that run remotely via the LIFX Cloud and allow you to control other LIFX devices. We recommend using Cloud Actions if some or all of your LIFX lights are not Matter enabled. Cloud Actions will be slightly slower than Matter Actions given the Cloud processing required. Actions include:

    • Activate Scene
    • Toggle on/off
    • Turn on
    • Turn off
    • Increase brightness
    • Decrease brightness

No Action

This allows you to remove the default action and have the Luna controls configured by a different ecosystem such as Apple Home. Removing the default action will ensure two conflicting actions are not triggered at the same time. 

For this example we will select Cloud Actions, as we want to trigger a Scene we have made.

Select the Action you wish to trigger E.g. Scene and then press the Next Button.

Select the Scene you wish to activate. This can be a Scene that includes other LIFX devices not just the Luna. Press Save.

You-re all set. You can now test our your custom button by double pressing Button1 on your Luna and your "Ambient ⚡️" scene will trigger.

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